To go along with my colleague's post, I'm excited that Dominican is finally stepping it up. They've created a site dedicated to showing Dominican footage. The videos range from DU Fest to various speeches from Lund-Gill Chair Stephen Kinzer. If you watch the first video, "A Week in the Life of DU," footage includes pretty much everything: guest performers, DU's theatre, Kinzer's speech and even a tailgating party near the soccer field. Make sure you check some of the DU videos out...you may be in them! Pretty cool, huh?
As a media student, I love the fact that there's new multimedia featured on DU's website. Watch some videos, at least the first and last ones, and give me feedback. Do you think they are a good addition? Are you pleased with the available selection? What's your stance on the new videos?
Photo from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Video_Camera.JPG
I'm glad that there is finally a video section up. I haven't seen any of the videos yet (I plan to), but some of the video topics are definitely worth checking out. It would be interesting to see the quality of the video as well.
I loved the video on the convocation, and I'm not just saying that because Krissy Peterson (who is in charge of the videos) was my rose.
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