Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dominican STAR Demand

I am currently managing editor for the Dominican STAR and have worked on the paper for a while now. This semester, the paper's been successful. The issue's that have come out have received lots of praise and also some criticism, however, we always have a good number of papers left over.

The latest paper came out Wednesday, October 8. Only three days later, two out of the five racks have had to be re-stocked because so many people are picking up papers. This is great for the STAR as circulation's been the best I've seen in the last year and a half! I'm curious to find out why this issue has had a much higher demand than previous ones.

Why were you so interested in this issue?


Tom Blackwell said...


But in all seriousness, I think more people are picking up the paper simply because its a higher-quality publication now that we (the staff) have made extensive changes and put a lot more time and effort into making a paper the whole community can be proud of.

Charlotte Mutesha said...

I steal stacks and stacks so I can cut out my clips and paste them all over my bedroom walls.

Actually, the improvements made this year have made a HUGE difference. I think our harsh critiques of the paper in last Spring semester's Magazine Editing (was that the class? they all blend together) class taught by Terry Brown was highly beneficial. Bruised some egos, but for the best.

Jeff Carlson said...

I like the Star but I would love to see it online with these blogs and those that will follow an essential part of the paper. What this class is doing is phenomenal.