Saturday, October 4, 2008

SGA still doesn't get it

As some of you may know, I am managing editor for the newspaper on campus. I've clearly voiced my opinions on the lack of involvement or governing that SGA does to many staff writer, interviewees, friends and on this blog. Today, a Saturday, SGA submitted a blurb to campus news saying that all are welcome to attend their meeting on Monday. However, if you look on their myDU page, there calender is not to date, no meetings are listed and they haven't even posted the "minutes" from this school year. Depending on how my Monday goes, I would like to stop by and observe the meeting. If I wasn't so busy and didn't have a social life, I would seriously consider investing my time to form a petition to impeach the current president. HaHa.

A new issue of the paper comes out on Wednesday. SGA will be covered twice: an article that was thrown together last minute and a student voices section. Check the student voices out. You'd be surprised that so many DU students agree with my opinion on SGA.

I asked like 10 people on what the thought SGA is doing for students. Nine replied with, "What's SGA?" Obviously I had to talk with more people and when I found the ones that at least knew what SGA was, all said they're not doing a damn thing.

Hopefully when this goes public, I'll still be covering extracirriculars and SGA members can fess up to their lack of interest for the student body.

1 comment:

Tracy Samantha Schmidt said...

Look at you, muckraker. What's the article about?