Tuesday, October 21, 2008

TV...It's Pretty Fun

I just wanted to follow up with what Natalie said about Concordia's TV station. Not only do I agree 100% that Dominican should have its own TV and radio stations, but I also think that any journalism/communication student should really check this out. I think it's really valuable experience and it's also pretty fun. I got to dress up like a REAL TV newscaster and read a sports story in front of the camera (after Natalie showed me how to not look "nervous" on TV of course). So if you're interested at all in this sort of thing, come check it out. There'll be more info to come on when we'll be taping next.

1 comment:

Madame Chartreuse said...

Second incarnation of Jim Rose or Mark Giangreco?

That's awesome. You guys should bring in the broadcast for us to check out!