Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One last homecoming thought

I wanted to say one more thing about homecoming, this time from the sports aspect of things. Would people feel different about homecoming if the dance and game were tied into a different sport? I'm sure almost everyone knows what a big deal the football homecoming game was in high school. Would people be more excited for homecoming if we had a football team? I'll be the first one to admit that I would be. But I'm sure there are some people who prefer the soccer homecoming. Either way, I want to hear about it.


Charlotte Mutesha said...

Maybe it's because I'm a commuter(??) but I don't think a football team would increase excitement about Homecoming. I kind of think the whole Homecoming concept is too high school. But you raise a good point; others may think differently than me.

Tracy Samantha Schmidt said...

I think the commuter aspect has a big part to play with it. When I was a student commuter, many of us had almost nothing to do with campus activities unless it paid (i.e. a student worker job) or it was beneficial to our careers (i.e. working on the newspaper.)

I'd be interested in seeing the breakdown of student clubs/events and see which of them have the most commuters or the most residents attending.